Cineplex: Revenue, by year
in million CAD
  • Region: Canada
  • Time period: 2010 to 2023
  • Published: Feb 2024

Data Analysis and Insights

Updated: Apr 6, 2024 | Published by: Statistico | About Us | Data sources

Revenue Recovery Post-2020

Cineplex demonstrated a significant financial rebound from 2020 to 2023, with annual revenue climbing from CAD 418.26 million to CAD 1388.89 million. This increase suggests a strong recovery trajectory following the impacts of global events that significantly affected the industry in 2020.

2023 Marks a Return to Pre-Pandemic Performance

By 2023, Cineplex's revenue of CAD 1388.89 million nearly matched the pre-pandemic peak of CAD 1665.15 million in 2019. This near-complete recovery illustrates the company's resilience and ability to regain its pre-pandemic market position.

Revenue Growth Trend Over a Decade

From 2011 to 2023, Cineplex's annual revenue experienced an upward trend, growing from CAD 998.20 million to CAD 1388.89 million. This growth, with the exception of the 2020 downturn, underscores a decade of expanding business operations and market presence.

Significant Revenue Drop in 2020

The year 2020 witnessed a dramatic decline in revenue to CAD 418.26 million, the lowest in the provided timeframe, highlighting the acute impact of external challenges on Cineplex's operations and overall cinema industry.

Record High Revenue in 2019

Cineplex achieved its highest annual revenue in 2019, reaching CAD 1665.15 million. This peak demonstrates the company's strong market position and operational success prior to the challenges faced in 2020.

Consistent Revenue Growth Before the Pandemic

Prior to the pandemic's impact in 2020, Cineplex consistently increased its annual revenue, with a noticeable yearly growth from CAD 998.20 million in 2011 to CAD 1665.15 million in 2019. This consistent growth period highlights the company's steady market expansion and customer base increase before facing unprecedented challenges.

2022 as a Year of Significant Recovery

The year 2022 marked a significant step in Cineplex's recovery process, with revenue increasing to CAD 1102.88 million from CAD 556.39 million in 2021. This substantial growth indicates effective strategies implemented for post-pandemic recovery and adaptation.

Frequently Asked Questions

What was the trend in Cineplex's annual revenue in recent years?

Cineplex's annual revenue showed an upward trend, growing from CAD 998.20 million in 2011 to CAD 1388.89 million in 2023.

Terms and Definitions

Cineplex refers to a large cinema complex or multiplex with multiple screens showcasing various films at the same time. It's a form of film exhibition business that allows them to offer viewers a variety of movie choices in a singular location.

Revenue is the total amount of income generated by the sale of goods or services related to a company's primary operations. In the context of a Cineplex, revenue comes from ticket sales, concessions, advertising, and other related services.

Ticket sales refer to the income generated from selling admission tickets to moviegoers. It's a primary source of revenue for a cineplex.

Concessions refer to the sales of food, beverages, and merchandise within the cinema complex. This could include items such as popcorn, soda, candy, and promotional products tied to specific films. These sales often represent a significant portion of a cineplex's revenue.

Box Office refers to the place in a cineplex where tickets are sold to the public for admission to the venue. In a broader context, the term can also refer to the commercial aspect of films, i.e., the total revenue a film earns through ticket sales.

A multiplex is a movie theater complex with multiple screens, usually housed in a specially designed building. Multiplex theaters enable exhibitors to show a greater variety of movies to attract different segments of the audience, thereby driving revenue.
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