The occupations with the highest share of female employees typically include nursing, teaching, and administrative roles, reflecting a traditional trend in gender distribution across industries.
Asian American unemployment rates in the U.S. gradually fluctuate each year, with some years experiencing lower rates and others witnessing a rise due to various economic factors.
The foreign population in Spain boasts a diverse range of nationalities, including Romanians, Moroccans, British, and Chinese, reflecting the country's status as a popular destination for global migrants.
Samsung's U.S. lobbying expenses refer to the amount of money spent by the company in order to influence political decisions and the legal environment in the United States.
Developers' trust in the accuracy of AI tools in their development workflow varies, with some completely trusting their AI tools, others experiencing skepticism, and many finding a balance between... Read more »
Cancer death rates among children and adolescents in the U.S. vary by age group, with varying trends noted for different types of cancers across different age groups.
The tobacco industry is a global market that includes the growth, processing, manufacturing, and distribution of tobacco products such as cigarettes, cigars, and pipe tobacco. Read more »
Histograms are graphical displays that summarize data distribution frequency, enabling visual identification of patterns, shapes, and central tendencies. They are useful to detect outliers, assess normality, and compare different datasets. Read more »