Denmark: Age at Marriage, by gender
  • Region: Denmark
  • Time period: 2013 to 2023
  • Published: Feb 2024

Data Analysis and Insights

Updated: Mar 27, 2024 | Published by: Statistico | About Us | Data sources

Average Age Increase at Marriage

From 2013 to 2023, the average age of men at marriage in Denmark has increased by 1.2 years, from 38.6 to 39.8. For women, this increase is slightly lower at 1.6 years, moving from 35.8 to 37.4. This indicates a gradual societal shift towards older marriage ages over the past decade.

Gender Age Gap at Marriage

Throughout the observed decade, men have consistently married at an older age than women. The age gap between men and women has remained relatively stable, fluctuating slightly but maintaining an average of approximately 2.4 years. This gap was the smallest in 2013 and 2014 at 2.8 years and the largest in 2023 at 2.4 years.

Stability in Recent Years

Since 2016, the average marriage age for both genders has shown signs of stabilizing. Specifically, from 2016 to 2017, there was no change in the average marriage age, which stood firm at 38.8 years for men and 36.0 years for women. This period of stability suggests a plateau in the societal changes affecting marriage age.

Rapid Increase for Women

While both men and women have seen increases in their average ages at marriage, women experienced a slightly more rapid increase relative to their starting point. Their average age at marriage increased by 1.6 years over the decade, as opposed to men's 1.2-year increase. This suggests a changing dynamic in gender roles and societal expectations around marriage.

Peak and Rebound in Men's Marriage Age

Men's average age at marriage peaked in 2020 at 39.1 years before slightly decreasing to 38.9 years in 2021, and then rising again to 39.8 years by 2023. This fluctuation suggests that external factors, potentially economic or social, may have temporarily influenced the decision to marry at older ages.

Comparison with Historical Norms

The trend towards older marriage ages represents a significant shift from historical norms, where earlier marriage was more common. The data indicates a broader societal trend towards longer periods of education, career establishment, and personal development before marriage.

Frequently Asked Questions

What has been the increase in average age at marriage in Denmark?

The average age of men at marriage in Denmark has increased by 1.2 years, from 38.6 to 39.8 years and for women, it increased by 1.6 years, from 35.8 to 37.4 years.

What is the average age gap between men and women at marriage?

The average age gap at marriage between men and women is approximately 2.4 years.

When was the average marriage age for both genders stable?

The average marriage age for both genders was stable from 2016 to 2017, remaining at 38.8 years for men and 36.0 years for women.

Terms and Definitions

A country in Northern Europe known for its high standard of living and progressive policies. In the context of this article, Denmark refers to the location where the data about age at marriage is collected and analyzed.

The average age at which individuals get married. This is calculated by adding the ages of all individuals who get married within a certain period and dividing the sum by the number of individuals. It provides useful insight into social, economic, and cultural trends within a particular population or society.

A term that refers to the roles, behaviors, activities, and expectations that a society considers appropriate for men and women. In this article, gender-specific data on marriage age is likely discussed, meaning the different averages for people who identify as male or female are examined separately.

Social and economic circumstances that shape the lives of individuals within a society. These could include wealth, educational attainment, and occupation. Socioeconomic factors could influence the age at marriage, as people might choose to marry later in life due to reasons like pursuing education or building a career.

Beliefs, norms, and values prevalent in a particular society or community that influence the behaviors and decisions of individuals, including deciding when to marry. Cultural factors are important to consider when examining marriage patterns, as societal expectations and norms often play a significant role in such personal decisions.
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