Detroit Pistons: All-Time Scoring Leaders, by points
PlayerNo of points
Isiah Thomas18,822
Joe Dumars16,402
Bob Lanier15,488
Dave Bing15,235
Bill Laimbeer12,665
Richard Hamilton11,582
Vinnie Johnson10,146
Tayshaun Prince10,006
Grant Hill9,393
John Long9,023
  • Region: United States
  • Time period: 1948 to 2023
  • Published: Aug 2023

Data Analysis and Insights

Updated: Apr 7, 2024 | Published by: Statistico | About Us | Data sources

Isiah Thomas leads in career points

Isiah Thomas holds the title as the Detroit Pistons' all-time leading scorer with 18,822 points. His contribution overshadows the second-place Joe Dumars, who amassed 16,402 points, marking a significant 2,420-point difference between the first and second spots.

Top five scorers dominate Pistons' history

The combined points of the top five scorers, namely Isiah Thomas, Joe Dumars, Bob Lanier, Dave Bing, and Bill Laimbeer, total 78,612 points. This sum accounts for a substantial portion of the team's historical scoring, emphasizing their significant roles over the years.

Bill Laimbeer's unique position

Bill Laimbeer, with 12,665 points, uniquely bridges the upper and lower halves of the top ten scorers. He marks the last player in the top five to surpass the 12,000-point milestone, indicating a notable drop to the sixth-place Richard Hamilton, who scored 11,582 points.

Closely contested bottom five

The point gap within the bottom five scorers of the top ten is relatively narrow, highlighting competitive scoring depth. Vinnie Johnson and Tayshaun Prince are particularly close, with scores of 10,146 and 10,006 points, respectively, showcasing the tight competition for spots in the Pistons' scoring legacy.

Grant Hill's impressive scoring rate

Despite Grant Hill being ninth in the list with 9,393 points, his scoring impact during his tenure with the Pistons remains notable. His position reflects a significant contribution over potentially fewer games or seasons compared to his peers, highlighting his scoring efficiency.

The significance of 10,000 points

Achieving 10,000 career points with the Pistons is a rare feat, achieved by only eight players on the list. This milestone underlines a high level of performance and durability, distinguishing these players as key figures in the team's scoring history.

John Long's standing as a baseline

John Long, rounding out the top ten with 9,023 points, establishes the benchmark for elite scoring within the franchise. His inclusion highlights the competitive nature and historical depth of scoring talent within the Detroit Pistons.

Frequently Asked Questions

Who is the Detroit Pistons' all-time leading scorer?

Isiah Thomas is the all-time leading scorer for the Detroit Pistons with 18,822 points.

How many points do the top five scorers of the Detroit Pistons collectively have?

The top five scorers of the Detroit Pistons, namely Isiah Thomas, Joe Dumars, Bob Lanier, Dave Bing, and Bill Laimbeer, have collectively scored 78,612 points.

Who is the last player in the top five Detroit Pistons' scorers to surpass the 12,000-point milestone?

Bill Laimbeer is the last player in the top five Detroit Pistons' scorers to surpass the 12,000-point milestone.

How many players have achieved 10,000 career points with the Detroit Pistons?

Only eight players have achieved 10,000 career points with the Detroit Pistons.

Terms and Definitions

The Detroit Pistons are a professional basketball team based in the National Basketball Association (NBA). The team competes in the league's Eastern Conference and is known for its players' performances and skill on the court.

Career points refer to the total number of points a player has scored throughout their professional basketball playing time. They can be accumulated through various ways: 2-point field goals, 3-point field goals, and free throws made.

The National Basketball Association or NBA is a professional basketball league in North America. It is considered the premier men's professional basketball league in the world, featuring highly skilled players from around the globe.

The Eastern Conference is one of two conferences that divide the 30 teams in the NBA based on their geographical location. The conference includes several divisions and the Detroit Pistons are a part of this conference.
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