Canada: Number of Immigrants, by gender
YearNo. of malesNo. of females
  • Region: Canada
  • Time period: 2000 to 2023
  • Published: Feb 2024

Data Analysis and Insights

Updated: Apr 13, 2024 | Published by: Statistico | About Us | Data sources

Overall Increase in Immigration Numbers Over Time

Between 2000 and 2023, Canada saw a significant overall increase in immigration, with the number of male immigrants growing from 101,195 to 234,279 and female immigrants from 104,515 to 234,538. This highlights a substantial growth in the immigrant population, emphasizing Canada's expanding multicultural landscape.

Gender Distribution Among Immigrants

Throughout the years 2000 to 2023, female immigrants have consistently outnumbered male immigrants in most years, with the total number reaching 3,387,037 for females compared to 3,263,771 for males. This trend underscores the slightly higher movement of women into the country, possibly reflecting gender-specific migration incentives or family reunification policies.

Sharp Increase in Immigration Following COVID-19

Immigration numbers experienced a sharp increase following the COVID-19 pandemic years, with the count of male immigrants rising from 140,951 in 2020 to 234,279 in 2023 and female immigrants from 143,206 in 2020 to 234,538 in 2023. This surge suggests a robust recovery and possibly accelerated immigration policies to compensate for the pandemic-induced slowdown.

Yearly Fluctuations in Immigration Numbers

The data illustrates notable yearly fluctuations in immigration numbers, with a significant dip in 2021 (113,198 males and 113,110 females) followed by a sharp rebound in 2022 and 2023. These fluctuations may reflect changes in immigration policy, global events influencing migration patterns, or economic factors.

Largest Yearly Increase in Female Immigrants

Between 2015 and 2016, the number of female immigrants saw its largest yearly increase, jumping from 125,180 to 165,201. This significant growth highlights a particular year of strong female migration, possibly influenced by specific immigration streams or policy changes targeting or benefiting women.

Decade of Strongest Growth

The decade from 2014 to 2023 showcases the strongest growth in immigration numbers, with male immigration rising by 104,894 and female immigration by 95,999 from the beginning to the end of the decade. This period likely reflects Canada's strategic efforts to attract more immigrants to support its labor market and economic growth.

Consistent Gender Proportion Over the Years

Despite annual variances in total immigration numbers, the proportion of male to female immigrants has remained relatively consistent over the years. This stability in gender distribution indicates that factors influencing immigration are impacting both genders similarly, maintaining a balanced demographic inflow.

Frequently Asked Questions

What has been the trend in Canada's immigration in last decades?

Canada saw a significant increase in immigration, with male immigrants growing from 101,195 to 234,279, and female immigrants from 104,515 to 234,538.

What was the decade of strongest growth in Canada's immigration?

The decade from 2014 to 2023 had strongest growth, with male immigration increasing by 104,894 and female immigration by 95,999.

Terms and Definitions

Immigration refers to the international movement of non-native people into another country where they aim to settle, often with the intent of residing there permanently or long term. Individuals who initiate such movement are often referred to as immigrants.

Demographics is a statistical analysis and understanding of populations based on factors like age, sex, occupation, ethnicity, and several other characteristics. It gives a comprehensive view of the population structure and helps in understanding various trends.

A permanent resident in immigration terminology usually refers to an individual who has been granted authorization to live and work in the host country indefinitely. Permanent residents are not citizens but enjoy many rights and privileges of citizens.

A refugee is a person who has been forced to leave their country of origin to escape war, persecution, or a natural disaster. They are often granted protection by another country or by an official organization like the United Nations.

Asylum seekers are individuals who have fled their home country and sought sanctuary in another country where they apply for 'asylum' - or the right to be recognized as refugees and receive legal protection and help.

Migration policy refers to the regulations and laws set up by a government that oversee the immigration, residence, and naturalization of foreign citizens in their country. These policies can influence the number and type of immigrants coming into the country.
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