U.S.: Share in Global Oil Production, by year
YearShare of global production,
in %
  • Region: United States
  • Time period: 1992 to 2022
  • Published: Feb 2024

Data Analysis and Insights

Updated: Mar 28, 2024 | Published by: Statistico | About Us | Data sources

Rapid growth in U.S. oil production share from 2011 to 2022

Between 2011 and 2022, the U.S. share of global oil production experienced a significant increase, with the percentage growing from 7.55% to 14.73%. This notable rise demonstrates the country's expanding influence in the global oil market over the past decade.

Stabilization of the U.S. share in global production after 2019

After reaching a peak of 14.90% in 2019, the U.S. share of global oil production showed signs of stabilization, fluctuating slightly but remaining close to this peak with a slight increase to 14.73% by 2022. This trend suggests a leveling off after years of rapid growth.

Notable milestones in growth trends

The data highlights several key milestones in the U.S. oil production share's growth, including crossing the 10% threshold in 1996, achieving over 11% in 1993, and surpassing 14% in 2018. Each of these milestones marks significant advancements in the U.S.'s position in the global oil market.

Decade of dramatic increase from 2011 to 2022

Over the decade from 2011 to 2022, the U.S. share of global oil production saw a dramatic increase of more than 7 percentage points, indicating a period of substantial growth in U.S. oil production capabilities and its global market share.

Early 2000s marked by steady shares

In the early 2000s, specifically from 2000 to 2002, the U.S. share of global oil production remained remarkably stable, hovering around 8.65% to 8.67%. This period of stability contrasts with the significant fluctuations and growth seen in subsequent years.

Lowest share in the late 2000s

The lowest recorded share of U.S. in global oil production within the provided data was in 2008, at 6.71%. This marked the point just before a decade of rapid growth, highlighting the significant turnaround in the U.S. oil production sector.

Impact of technological advancements and policy changes

The increase in the U.S. share of global oil production from 6.71% in 2008 to 14.73% by 2022 likely reflects the impact of technological advancements in oil extraction and drilling techniques, as well as changes in energy policies promoting domestic production over the years.

Comparison with early 1990s

Comparing the beginning and end of the dataset, the U.S. share of global oil production rose from 11.93% in 1992 to 14.73% in 2022. This comparison over a 30-year span illustrates the overall growth trajectory and increased global market share of U.S. oil production.

Frequently Asked Questions

What was the growth in U.S. share of global oil production from 2011 to 2022?

The U.S. share of global oil production grew from 7.55% in 2011 to 14.73% in 2022.

What were some notable milestones in the U.S. oil production share's growth?

Notable milestones included crossing the 10% threshold in 1996, achieving over 11% in 1993, and surpassing 14% in 2018.

What was the lowest recorded share of U.S. in global oil production?

The lowest recorded share of U.S. in global oil production was 6.71% in 2008.

Terms and Definitions

Oil production refers to the process of exploring, extracting, refining and distributing petroleum oil from the earth's crust. It involves several steps - such as the discovery of oil reservoirs, drilling of oil wells, recovery and transportation of crude oil - which are carried out by oil companies.

A production trend is a pattern or direction of growth or decline in the production amount over a particular time frame. In the case of oil production, it could refer to the pattern of increase or decrease in the yearly output of oil.

Crude oil, often referred to as petroleum, is a naturally occurring, unrefined petroleum product composed of hydrocarbon deposits and other organic materials. It serves as a primary global source of oil and is processed into gasoline, diesel, and many other forms of petrochemicals.

Onshore drilling refers to the extraction of oil from deposits found beneath the earth's surface on land. It uses fixed structures like oil rigs to reach and extract these oil resources.

Offshore drilling is a process where drilling for oil occurs under the seabed rather than on land. It is typically conducted on drilling platforms in seas, oceans, gulfs, and other large bodies of water.

Oil reserves refer to the amount of technically and economically recoverable oil within a given geographical location. These are often assessed in terms of their crude oil equivalence and expressed in terms of barrels or metric tonnes.
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