Brazil: Public Opinion on Abortion Legalization, by year
YearIn favor,
in %
in %
Do not know / No answer,
in %
Jan 2021315811
May 2022245917
Jan 2024246115
  • Region: Brazil
  • Time period: Jan 27 to 29, 2024
  • Published: Feb 2024

Data Analysis and Insights

Updated: Apr 10, 2024 | Published by: Statistico | About Us | Data sources

Public Opposition to Abortion Legalization Increases

Public opposition to abortion legalization in Brazil has seen a rise, moving from 58% in Jan 2021 to 61% in Jan 2024. This indicates a growing resistance to changing the abortion laws, highlighting a 3% increase over three years.

Stable Support for Abortion Legalization

Support for abortion legalization has remained consistent, with 24% of the population in favor both in May 2022 and Jan 2024. Despite the evolving societal and political contexts, the proportion of the populace advocating for legalization has stayed unchanged.

Increase in Undecided or Neutral Responses

From Jan 2021 to May 2022, there was a noticeable increase in respondents who were undecided or did not provide an answer, from 11% to 17%. This shift suggests a 6% rise in individuals uncertain or unwilling to express a clear stance on abortion legalization within a year. However, by Jan 2024, the rate slightly decreased to 15%, indicating a potential stabilization in public opinion.

Minor Fluctuations in Opposition and Indecision

While the overall trend shows an increase in opposition and a stable level of support for abortion legalization, the percentage of those against it slightly fluctuated, seeing a 1% increase from May 2022 to Jan 2024. Similarly, the percentage of undecided respondents or those not providing an answer decreased by 2% during the same period, pointing to minor shifts in public opinion dynamics.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the current public opposition to abortion legalization in Brazil?

The public opposition to abortion legalization in Brazil rose to 61% in January 2024, up from 58% in January 2021.

How has the support for abortion legalization changed over time?

The support for abortion legalization has remained stable at 24%, with no change recorded between 2022 and 2024.

Terms and Definitions

Abortion refers to the medical or surgical termination of a pregnancy before the fetus is capable of independent life. It typically involves the removal or expulsion of an embryo or fetus from the uterus.

Legalization of abortion is a policy or legislative action that makes the procedure of abortion legal, and hence accessible and safe for women. It means that the procedure can be carried out by a licensed medical practitioner without legal consequences.

Public opinion refers to the collective views, thoughts, or beliefs held by a significant proportion of a population on a particular issue or policy. It is often measured through opinion polls or surveys.

The pro-choice position supports the belief that women have the fundamental right to control their own bodies, including the decision to terminate a pregnancy. This position advocates for the legalization of abortion.

The pro-life position is a belief that prioritizes the right to life of the fetus in a pregnancy. Pro-life advocates typically oppose abortion legalization, with exceptions varying from none at all to certain cases such as endangerment of the woman’s life.

Religious beliefs can significantly influence individual and societal views on abortion. Different religious traditions have varying tenets regarding the sanctity of life, the acceptability of abortion, and the circumstances under which it may be considered acceptable or not. These beliefs often play a significant role in shaping public opinion on abortion legalization.
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