Brazil: Religious Affiliation, by population share
ReligionShare of population,
in %
Pentecostal evangelist3.7
Afroamerican cults, Umbanda, etc.2.0
Jehovas witness0.7
Do not know0.5
Do not answer0.4
Baptist evangelist0.3
Believer without formal affiliation to any religion0.3
  • Region: Brazil
  • Time period: Oct 26 to Dec 15, 2020
  • Published: Oct 2021

Data Analysis and Insights

Updated: Mar 27, 2024 | Published by: Statistico | About Us | Data sources

Catholic Dominance in Religious Landscape

Catholicism remains the predominant religion in Brazil, encompassing 54.2% of the population. This majority status underscores the historical and cultural influence of Catholicism in shaping Brazilian society and religious practices.

Evangelical and Pentecostal Growth

Evangelist and Pentecostal evangelist followers collectively represent 24.2% of the population, highlighting a significant evangelical presence. The distinction between these groups reflects the diversity within Brazil's Protestant community.

Increase in Secular and Non-religious Affiliations

12.1% of Brazilians identify with no religion, a figure that, combined with atheists and agnostics, totals 13%. This trend indicates a growing acceptance of secularism and a shift away from traditional religious affiliations.

Diverse Religious Minorities

Minority religions, including Afro-Brazilian cults, Protestant, Jehovah's Witness, Adventist, and others, together account for 8.5% of the population. Their presence showcases Brazil's rich tapestry of religious beliefs and practices.

Limited Presence of Other Christian Denominations

Protestant, Jehovah's Witness, Adventist, and Baptist evangelist communities have a relatively small combined share of 2.4% in Brazil. These figures reveal the competitive religious landscape among Christian denominations.

Low Representation of Non-Christian Faiths

Non-Christian faiths, such as Afro-American cults and Mormonism, make up a minor segment of the population, with 2.1% collectively. This illustrates the dominance of Christian denominations in Brazil's religious composition.

Indifference and Uncertainty in Religious Identity

A combined 1.3% of the population either does not know their religious affiliation or refuses to answer, suggesting a segment of Brazilians are indifferent or uncertain about their religious identity.

Distinct Category of Believers Without Formal Affiliation

0.3% of Brazilians identify as believers without a formal affiliation to any religion, indicating a personal spirituality that does not align with organized religious institutions.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the majority religious affiliation in Brazil?

The majority of people in Brazil, 54.2%, are affiliated with the Catholic Church.

How significant is the evangelical presence in Brazil?

Evangelicals, combining unspecified Evangelists and Pentecostal evangelists, comprise a significant 24.2% of the religious share.

What portion of the population doesn't identify with any religion?

About 13% of the respondent population in Brazil reported having no religious affiliation, including atheists and agnostics.

Terms and Definitions

Religious affiliation refers to a person's self-identified association with a particular religion or religious group. It is usually determined through surveys or censuses and can include being part of a formal religious organization (like a church or synagogue), informal religious communities (like spiritual or prayer groups), or self-identified religious practices and beliefs.

Share of religious affiliation refers to the percentage of a population that identifies with a particular religion or religious group. It is used to quantify and analyze the distribution, prevalence, or dominance of a particular religious belief or group within a given population.

The distribution of religious affiliations refers to the dispersion or spread of different religious groups within a population. This can be geographical, concerning where followers of different religions live, or statistical, involved with the proportion of the total population each group makes up.

Christianity is a monotheistic religion centered on the life, teachings, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. It is divided into many different denominations, including Roman Catholic, Protestant, and Orthodox, each with unique doctrines and practices.

Catholicism is a denomination of Christianity led by the Pope and the Roman Catholic Church. It is one of the largest Christian groups and has a significant influence with its teachings, rituals, structures and theologies.

Protestantism is a branch of Christian faith that originated with the Reformation in the 16th century. It encompasses a wide range of denominations and beliefs, but typically emphasizes the primacy of the Bible and the belief in salvation by faith alone.

The term "Spiritual but not religious" (SBNR) refers to individuals who identify with spiritual beliefs or practices but do not consider themselves adherents to a structured or institutionalized religion. They might believe in a higher power, engage in personal prayer or meditation, or sense a connection to the universe, without aligning these beliefs to a specific religious tradition.

Atheism is the absence or rejection of belief in the existence of deities. Atheists may not believe in any supernatural powers, divine beings, or transcendental realities, and typically place emphasis on empirical evidence, reason, and scientific inquiry.
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