China: Employment Figures, by year
YearEmployed people,
in millions
  • Region: China
  • Time period: 2013 to 2023
  • Published: Feb 2024

Data Analysis and Insights

Updated: Apr 2, 2024 | Published by: Statistico | About Us | Data sources

Overall Trend in Employment

Employment in China experienced a gradual decrease from 763.49 million in 2014 to 740.41 million in 2023. This represents a total reduction of approximately 23.08 million employed people over a decade, highlighting a consistent downward trajectory in the workforce.

Comparing Recent Years

Between 2022 and 2023, the number of employed people in China slightly increased by 6.9 million, from 733.51 million to 740.41 million. This marks a reversal in the previous trend of declining employment figures, suggesting a possible stabilization or recovery in the job market.

Peak Employment Year

The highest employment figure was recorded in 2014, with 763.49 million employed individuals. Since then, the numbers have generally trended downwards, pointing to changes in the labor market, economic shifts, or demographic trends influencing employment levels.

Lowest Employment Figures

The year 2023 witnessed the lowest employment figure within the observed period, with 740.41 million people employed. This reflects the culmination of a decade-long trend of decreasing employment numbers in China's economy.

Year-on-Year Changes

Examining the year-on-year changes, the period from 2019 to 2020 saw the most significant drop in employment, with a decrease of approximately 3.83 million employed individuals. This period likely reflects the impacts of global events on China's labor market.

Period of Stability

From 2013 to 2015, employment numbers were relatively stable, hovering around 763 million. This period of stability contrasts sharply with the subsequent years, where a clear downward trend is observable.

Frequently Asked Questions

What has been the overall trend in employment in China in recent years?

From 2014 to 2023, employment in China showed a gradual decline, decreasing from 763.49 million to 740.41 million respectively, losing approximately 23.08 million jobs over the decade.

When was the peak employment year?

The peak employment year was 2014 with a total of 763.49 million employed individuals.

Which year had the lowest employment figures and what does that indicate?

The lowest employment figure was in 2023 with 740.41 million people employed, marking the culmination of a decade-long trend of decreasing employment numbers in China's economy.

Terms and Definitions

Full-time employment refers to a person who works a minimum number of hours defined as such by their employer. The working hours for a full-time job can vary based on the nature of work and organizational policies but is generally between 35-40 hours per week in most parts of the world.

Part-time employment refers to a working arrangement where an individual works fewer hours than what is considered a full-time job. The specific number of hours defining part-time work can differ significantly among various organizations and countries.

The workforce of a country, or labor force, represents the total number of people available for work. It includes both employed (full-time and part-time) and unemployed individuals who are currently seeking jobs.

Employment Rate is the percentage of the total labor force that is employed. It is a key indicator of the overall health and vitality of an economy. The higher the employment rate, the healthier the economy is considered.

The unemployment rate refers to the percentage of the total labor force that is currently without work but is actively seeking employment. It is another key indicator of the economic health and livability of a region.

The labor market refers to the supply and demand for labor, where employees provide the supply and employers create the demand. The interaction between employers and workers results in a market wage rate that determines the pay for a job.
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