U.S.: Leading Lobbying Clients, by expenditure
Lobbying clientSpending,
in million USD
US Chamber of Commerce69.58
National Assn of Realtors52.40
American Hospital Assn30.24
Blue Cross/Blue Shield28.59
Pharmaceutical Research & Manufacturers of America27.63
American Medical Assn21.22
Business Roundtable19.74
American Chemistry Council15.80
Pharmaceutical Care Management Assn15.43
NCTA The Internet & Television Assn14.56
Boeing Co14.49
General Motors14.42
Pfizer Inc14.36
Alphabet Inc14.36
Amgen Inc14.29
Lockheed Martin14.07
  • Region: United States
  • Time period: 2023
  • Published: Jan 2024

Data Analysis and Insights

Updated: Apr 14, 2024 | Published by: Statistico | About Us | Data sources

Top lobbying spender

The US Chamber of Commerce led the lobbying expenditure with a staggering 69.58 million USD, outspending its closest competitor, the National Assn of Realtors, by more than 17 million USD.

Dominance of health-related lobbying

Health-related organizations prominently feature in the top lobbying spenders, with the American Hospital Assn, Blue Cross/Blue Shield, Pharmaceutical Research & Manufacturers of America, and the American Medical Assn collectively spending over 107.68 million USD.

Tech industry's lobbying efforts

The tech industry shows significant lobbying activity with Amazon.com, Meta, Alphabet Inc, and CTIA spending a total of 70.62 million USD. Amazon leads the tech sector with 19.84 million USD in lobbying expenditures.

Influence of the pharmaceutical sector

The pharmaceutical sector, represented by the Pharmaceutical Research & Manufacturers of America, Pfizer Inc, and Amgen Inc, has a notable lobbying presence with a combined spend of 56.28 million USD.

Automotive industry's lobbying investments

General Motors and Boeing Co represent the automotive and aerospace industries in the lobbying arena, with nearly 28.91 million USD spent together. Boeing's expenditure of 14.49 million USD closely trails General Motors' 14.42 million USD.

Comparison of traditional industries versus tech giants

Traditional industries such as the US Chamber of Commerce and the National Assn of Realtors outspend tech giants, indicating a diverse approach to influencing policy. The combined spending of the top two traditional lobbyists amounts to 121.98 million USD, showcasing their significant influence.

Defense sector lobbying efforts

The defense industry, with Lockheed Martin at the forefront, invests significantly in lobbying, with a total spend of 14.07 million USD, highlighting the sector's commitment to influencing defense policy and procurement decisions.

Frequently Asked Questions

Who led the lobbying expenditure in the US?

The US Chamber of Commerce led the US lobbying expenditure with a massive 69.58 million USD.

Which sector showed prominent lobbying activities?

The health-related sector featured prominently in the top lobbying spenders, spending collectively over 107.68 million USD.

Which tech companies showed significant lobbying activities?

Amazon.com, Meta, Alphabet Inc, and CTIA showed significant lobbying activities with a total spend of 70.62 million USD.

What is the expenditure of traditional industries in lobbying compared to tech giants?

Traditional industries such as the US Chamber of Commerce and the National Assn of Realtors outspend tech giants, with a combined spending of 121.98 million USD.

Terms and Definitions

Lobbying refers to the act of influencing decisions made by public officials, often through continuous and direct communication. This often involves the use of skilled practitioners known as lobbyists, who use their expertise, connections, and strategy to influence legislation and regulatory decisions, usually in favor of their client's objectives and interests.

In this context, clients are the corporations, associations, or organizations that hire lobbyists to represent their interests. They could be from various sectors, for example, healthcare, technology, manufacturing, trade, and more. The level and type of lobbying effort undertaken would depend on the specific requirements and policy objectives of the client.

Expenditure, often also referred to as spending, is the amount of money paid out by clients to lobbyists for their professional services. This could include a wide variety of costs such as remuneration for the lobbyists, spending on research, media campaigns, organizing events, and other activities aimed at influencing public policy decisions.

Leading lobbying clients are those who spend the most on lobbying activities. This spending, often disclosed in mandatory reports, can serve as an indicator of the client's level of involvement and interest in influencing public policy, as well as a measure of the value they assign to potential changes in legislation or regulation.

The Lobbying Disclosure Act is legislation that mandates the disclosure of lobbying activities undertaken by individuals and corporations. This includes the reporting of any attempts to influence legislative or executive decision-making, the entities concerned, and the amount of expenditure involved. These reports contribute to transparency in the lobbying industry.

Policy advocacy involves efforts to bring about changes in policies, laws, or regulations. Lobbyists engaged in policy advocacy on behalf of their clients aim to influence key decision-makers in favor of their client's interests.

Legislation refers to the process of making or enacting laws. In lobbying, clients often focus on influencing the content of legislation to benefit their businesses or the sector they represent. Lobbyists can try to drive the introduction, passage, or defeat of certain legislative bills.
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