U.S.: Sugar Cane Production, by year
in thousand net tons
  • Region: United States
  • Time period: 2001 to 2023
  • Published: Jan 2024

Data Analysis and Insights

Updated: Mar 28, 2024 | Published by: Statistico | About Us | Data sources

Peak Sugar Cane Production in 2020

Sugar cane production in the U.S. reached its highest level in 2020 with 36,100 thousand net tons. This peak contrasts starkly with the production figures from other years, indicating a significant year for the industry.

Trend of Fluctuation

Over the span from 2001 to 2023, sugar cane production exhibited notable fluctuations. The range of production varied from a low of 26,606 thousand net tons in 2005 to a high of 36,100 thousand net tons in 2020, illustrating the variable nature of agricultural outputs.

Recent Decline in Production

The recent years have seen a decline in sugar cane production, dropping from 36,100 thousand net tons in 2020 to 32,956 thousand net tons in 2023. This decrease signals potential challenges or changes within the industry or external factors affecting crop yields.

Decade of Growth Leading to 2020

The decade preceding 2020 showcased a gradual increase in sugar cane production, beginning from 29,013 thousand net tons in 2004. This upward trajectory culminated in the peak production year, emphasizing a period of growth and expansion for the U.S. sugar cane industry.

2022 as an Anomaly Year

In 2022, sugar cane production slightly increased to 34,671 thousand net tons after a decrease in 2021, marking it as an anomaly in the recent downward trend. This fluctuation highlights the unpredictable nature of agricultural production influenced by myriad factors.

Lowest Production in Early 2000s

The early 2000s, specifically 2005, marked the lowest production levels within the dataset, with sugar cane production at 26,606 thousand net tons. This period reflects the challenges or conditions that significantly impacted production volumes at the time.

Overall Increase Over Two Decades

Despite year-to-year fluctuations, the overall trend from 2001 to 2023 shows an increase in production. Starting from 34,587 thousand net tons in 2001 and fluctuating to 32,956 thousand net tons in 2023, the data suggests a general upward trend, indicating long-term growth in the sugar cane industry in the U.S.

Frequently Asked Questions

When was the highest sugar cane production in the U.S. observed?

The highest sugar cane production in the U.S. was observed in 2020, with a yield of 36,100 thousand net tons.

Which year recorded the lowest production within the given period?

The lowest production level was recorded in 2005, with a yield of 26,606 thousand net tons.

Terms and Definitions

Sugar cane refers to a tall, perennial grass of the genus Saccharum, native to warm, tropical regions. It's most notable for its stout, jointed, fibrous stalks that are rich in sucrose, which is extracted and refined to produce sugar.

Yield refers to the amount of sugar produced from a specific quantity of harvested sugar cane. It's usually expressed in tons per acre or some other measure of weight per area. High yields are desired as they indicate efficient and productive agricultural operations.

Harvesting is the process of gathering mature sugar cane plants from the fields. This is commonly done by manual labor or mechanical harvesters. Timing is crucial in this process as it must be done when the cane has the highest sugar content.

Refinement is the process of extracting and purifying the sugar from the harvested sugar cane. It involves multiple steps including milling, clarification, and crystallization to produce raw sugar and eventually, the refined white sugar commonly used.

Domestic consumption refers to the total amount of sugar used within a country, for both individual and industrial use. This includes sugar used in food and beverage production, pharmaceuticals, and biofuels.
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