District of Columbia, USA

District of Columbia, USA

Basic Information

Full Name: District of Columbia
Capital: Washington

Geographic Properties

Total Area: 68.34 mi²
Land Area: 61.05 mi²
Water Area: 7.292 mi²
Farmland Area: 0 acres
Mean Elevation: 164 ft
Highest Point: Tenleytown, 410.1 ft
Lowest Point: Potomac River, 0 ft


Population (2021) : 670,050 people
Population Growth (2010-12) : +2.55% per year
Population Density: 9805 people/mi²
Race Distribution:
- Black/African American: 46.3%
- White: 41.3%
- Other: 5%
Hispanic Origin: 11%
US Citizens: 92.3%


College Degree and Above (25 and older) : 61.5% (1.51 × national average)
High School Diploma (25 and older) : 16.8% (0.625 × national average)
Less Than High School Diploma (25 and older) : 9.1% (0.756 × national average)


Housing Units (2011) : 298,902
Housing Units Change (2000-07) : +9,376
Housing Units Change Rate (2000-07) : +0.49% per year
Households (2011) : 260,136
People per Household (2010) : 2.338 people


Number of Businesses (2007) : 55,887
Nonemployer Businesses (2010) : 46,010
Private Non-farm Businesses (2010) : 21,502
Median Household Income: $86,420.00 per year (1.38 × national average)
Per Capita Income: $56,147 per year per person (1.65 × national average)
Population Below Poverty Line: 16.2% (1.21 × national average)

Crime (2019)

Total Rate of Crime: 5416 crimes/100,000 people/yr
Total Number of Crimes: 38,224 crimes per year

Voting and Registration Rates (2020)

Total Voting Rate: 77.8%
Total Registration Rate: 80.5%

Public School Finance Information (2020)

Total Expenditures: $805.4 million ($18,167 per student)
Total Revenue: $801 million ($18,069 per student)

State Symbols

State Bird: Wood thrush (Hylocichla mustelina)
State Flower: American beauty rose (Rosa)
State Tree: Scarlett oak (Quercus)
State Motto: Justitia omnibus
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U.S.: Marijuana Use Among Adults, by state
U.S.: Marijuana Use Among Adults, by state
U.S. Marijuana Use Among Adults varies significantly across the states, with some states reporting much higher usage rates due to varying cannabis legalization and acceptance levels.
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