North Dakota, USA

North Dakota, USA

Basic Information

Full Name: State of North Dakota
Capital: Bismarck
Joined Union: November 2, 1889 (133 years ago)

Geographic Properties

Total Area: 70,700 mi²
Land Area: 69,000 mi²
Water Area: 1,698 mi²
Farmland Area: 39.7 million acres
Mean Elevation: 1,903 ft
Highest Point: White Butte, 3,507 ft
Lowest Point: Red River, 751.3 ft


Population (2021) : 774,948 people
Population Growth (2010-12) : +2% per year
Population Density (2021) : 10.96 people/mi²
Race Distribution:
- White: 86.6%
- American Indian/Alaska Native: 5.3%
- Black/African American: 2.9%
Hispanic Origin: 3.7%
US Citizens: 97.6%

Educational Attainment (for population age 25 and older)

College Degree and Above: 43.9% (1.08 × national average)
High School Diploma: 26.4% (0.98 × national average)
Less Than High School Diploma: 7.4% (0.613 × national average)

Housing (2011)

Housing Units: 320,909
Households: 278,669
People per Household (2010) : 2.431 people

Economic Properties

Number of Businesses (2007) : 61,546
Nonemployer Businesses (2010) : 47,770
Private Non-farm Businesses (2010) : 21,832

Income Statistics

Median Household Income (USD/year) : $64,894 (1.03 × national average)
Per Capita Income (USD/year per person) : $36,062 (1.06 × national average)
Population Below Poverty Line: 10.7% (0.796 × national average)

Crime Statistics (2019)

Total Rate of Crime (crimes/100,000 people/year) : 2,262
Total Number of Crimes (crimes/year) : 17,235

Voting and Registration Rates (2020)

Total Voting Rate: 65.3%
Total Registration Rate: 75.2%

Public School Finance Information (2020)

Total Expenditures (USD) : $1.079 billion ($11,403 per student)
Total Revenue (USD) (2009) : $1.104 billion ($11,664 per student)
Total Debt (USD) : $283.6 million ($2,996 per student)
Total Cash and Securities (USD) : $362.2 million ($3,827 per student)

State Symbols

State Bird: Western Meadowlark (Sturnella neglecta)
State Flower: Wild Prairie Rose (Rosa arkansana)
State Tree: American Elm (Ulmus americana)
State Motto: "Liberty and union, now and forever, one and inseparable. Strength from the soil"
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