Hawaii, USA

Hawaii, USA

Basic Information

Full Name: State of Hawaii
Capital: Honolulu
Joined Union: August 21, 1959 (64 years ago)

Geographic Properties

Total Area: 10930 mi²
Land Area: 6423 mi²
Water Area: 4509 mi²
Farmland Area: 1.12 million acres
Mean Elevation: 3018 ft
Highest Point: Pu'u Wekiu (Mauna Kea), 13806 ft
Lowest Point: Pacific Ocean, 0 ft


Population: 1.442 million people (2021)
Population Growth: +1.2% per year (2010-12)
Population Density: 131.9 people/mi² (2021)
Annual Deaths: 14648 people/yr (2021)
Annual Births: 15904 people/yr (2021)
Race Distribution:
- Asian: 37.8%
- White: 25%
- Two or more races: 23.9%
Hispanic Origin: 10.5%
US Citizens: 92.3%


College Degree and Above: 43.7% (1.08 × national average)
High School Diploma: 27.4% (1.01 × national average)
Less Than High School Diploma: 8% (0.669 × national average)

Economic Properties

Number of Businesses: 120374 (2007)
Nonemployer Businesses: 92126 (2010)
Private Non-farm Businesses: 31939 (2010)
Median Household Income: $81275.00 per year (1.29 × national average)
Per Capita Income: $35567 per year (1.04 × national average)
Population Below Poverty Line: 9.4% (0.703 × national average)


Housing Units: 522305 (2011)
Housing Units Change: +46195 (2000-07)
Housing Units Change Rate: +1.4% per year (2000-07)
Households: 445513 (2011)
People per Household: 3.076 people (2010)

Crime Statistics

Total Rate of Crime: 3127 crimes/100000 people/yr (2019)
Total Number of Crimes: 44270 crimes per year (2019)

Voting and Registration Rates

Total Voting Rate: 59.7% (2020)
Total Registration Rate: 63.8% (2020)

Public School Finance Information

Total Expenditures: $2.319 billion ($12919 per student) (2020)
Total Revenue: $2.69 billion ($14987 per student) (2009)

State Symbols

State Bird: Nene (Branta sandvicensis)
State Flower: Pua aloalo or ma'o-hau-hele (Hibiscus brackenridgei)
State Tree: Kukui tree (Aleurites moluccana)
State Motto: Ua Mau ke Ea o ka Āina i ka Pono
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