Internet and Social Media: Number of Users, by platform
UsersNumber of users,
in billions
Internet users5.16
Social media users4.76
  • Region: Worldwide
  • Time period: Jan 2024
  • Published: Jan 2024

Data Analysis and Insights

Updated: Mar 27, 2024 | Published by: Statistico | About Us | Data sources

Global Internet Users Surpass 5 Billion Mark

Internet users worldwide have reached a staggering number of 5.16 billion, highlighting the extensive reach and significance of the internet in today's society.

Social Media Users Approach Internet User Total

Social media platforms boast an impressive 4.76 billion users, demonstrating their critical role in digital communication and networking.

Internet Users vs. Social Media Users

A comparison reveals that social media users constitute approximately 92.3% of internet users, indicating the high penetration of social media among online populations.

Gap Between Internet and Social Media Users

The gap between internet users and social media users is relatively small, with only 0.4 billion more internet users than social media users, underscoring the ubiquity of social media.

Billions Connected Online

Both internet and social media users number in the billions, with 5.16 billion and 4.76 billion users respectively, reflecting the massive scale of global connectivity.

Frequently Asked Questions

How many internet users are there in the world?

Worldwide, there are a staggering 5.16 billion internet users.

How does the number of social media users compare to the total number of internet users?

Social media platforms are used by an impressive 4.76 billion people, approximately 92.3% of all internet users.

What is the gap between the number of internet users and social media users?

The gap is relatively small, with only 0.4 billion more internet users than social media users.

Terms and Definitions

The Internet is a vast network that connects computers all over the world. Through the internet, people can share information and communicate from anywhere with an internet connection. Its tools and services, like email, web pages, and social media, have become integral to modern life, facilitating the sharing of information on an unprecedented scale.

Social media is a collective term for websites and applications that enable users to create and share content or participate in social networking. These platforms are used for a wide variety of purposes, from staying in touch with friends and family to spreading news and promoting businesses.

User count refers to the number of people using a specific service, platform, or application at a given time. It is an important metric for determining the popularity of a service, and significant growth or decline in user count can provide valuable insights into trends and consumption patterns in the digital world.

In the context of internet and social media, a platform refers to a digital service that enables content to be shared and consumed. Examples include websites like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, Reddit, TikTok, and many others. Each platform has its own unique features and audience.

Active users are individuals who have engaged with an internet service or social media platform within a specified period, usually within the past 30 days. This is distinct from the total number of users, as it only counts individuals who have recently been active, providing a more accurate indication of current usage patterns.

In social media terminology, engagement refers to the interaction between users and content on a platform. It can include actions like liking, sharing, commenting, clicking on a link, or any direct response to a post or page on a social media site. High levels of engagement indicate that content is resonating with users.

Demographics refer to statistical data relating to the population and particular groups within it. In social media context, it can include data on users' age, gender, location, income level, educational level, and other characteristics. Understanding demographics can help marketers and businesses target their content effectively.

Social media metrics are data and statistics that give insights about the performance of your content and campaigns on social media platforms. These can include numbers like reach (the number of people who saw a post), impressions (the number of times a post is displayed), engagement (interaction with your content), and audience growth rate.

Social networking is the use of internet-based social media platforms to stay connected with friends, family, or peers. It involves the exchange of information, ideas, and other forms of expression via virtual communities and networks. Social networking is the principal activity of users on social media.
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Social Media
Social media usage is dramatically increasing worldwide, with platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and TikTok leading in popularity and user engagement. Read more »