Reddit: Revenue, by region
in million USD
Rest of the world,
in million USD
  • Region: Worldwide
  • Time period: 2022 and 2023
  • Published: Feb 2024

Data Analysis and Insights

Updated: Apr 6, 2024 | Published by: Statistico | About Us | Data sources

Revenue Growth in the U.S. and Globally

Reddit's revenue from the U.S. saw an increase of 102.42 million USD in 2023, reaching 651.38 million USD from 548.96 million USD in 2022. Internationally, revenue grew by 34.91 million USD, from 117.74 million USD to 152.65 million USD. The U.S. market contributes significantly more to Reddit's revenue, with the U.S. growth accounting for approximately 75% of the total revenue increase.

Dominance of the U.S. Market

In 2023, the U.S. market constituted 81% of Reddit's total revenue, slightly down from 82% in 2022. Despite a slight decrease in its percentage share, the U.S. remains the dominant source of Reddit's revenue, underscoring the platform's strong foothold in the American market.

Comparative Growth Rates

The annual growth rate of Reddit's revenue in the U.S. was approximately 18.6% from 2022 to 2023, compared to the rest of the world's growth rate of 29.6%. Although the U.S. market is the primary revenue source for Reddit, the rest of the world is experiencing a faster growth rate, indicating expanding international market potential.

Consistent Global Expansion

Reddit's revenue from the rest of the world has been consistently increasing, showing a clear trend of global expansion. With a growth of 29.6% outside the U.S., compared to the U.S. growth of 18.6%, there is evidence of Reddit's increasing appeal and monetization potential in international markets.

U.S. Revenue's Leading Role

The U.S. market not only dominates in terms of revenue share but also in its contribution to Reddit's overall revenue growth. In 2023, the increase in U.S. revenue alone accounted for a significant portion of the total revenue growth, highlighting the critical role of the U.S. market in Reddit's financial performance.

Frequently Asked Questions

What were the annual growth rates of Reddit's revenue in the U.S. and the rest of the world in recent years?

From 2022 to 2023, Reddit's revenue growth rate in the U.S. was approximately 18.6%, while in the rest of the world, it was 29.6%.

Terms and Definitions

An American social news aggregation, web content rating, and discussion website where registered members submit content, such as links, text posts, and images, which are then voted up or down by other members.

The amount of money a company receives by selling advertising space or time. For platforms like Reddit, this refers to income generated through display ads, native ads, sponsored content, and partnerships.

The process by which a company generates income from its services or products. This could include direct sales, subscription fees, and advertising revenue among others.

This is the sum of the revenues earned by a company through its subscription based services within a specified period. For Reddit it refers to the revenues earned from premium subscriptions which offer members an ad-free experience and other benefits.

A marketing model where users pay a subscription fee to access the full range of features and benefits offered by a product or service. On Reddit, this includes benefits such as ad-free browsing, access to the premium Reddit Gold community, and additional features.
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