United Arab Emirates

United Arab Emirates

Geographic Properties

Total Area: 32278 mi² (World Rank: 117th)
Land Area: 32278 mi² (World Rank: 115th)
Continent: Asia
Bordering Countries/Regions: Oman, Saudi Arabia


Population: 9.5 million people (2023 estimate, World Rank: 96th)
Population Density: 342 people/mi² (2021 estimate, World Rank: 96th)
Population Growth: 0.814 %/yr (2021 estimate, World Rank: 118th)
Life Expectancy: 78.1 years (2020 estimate, World Rank: 74th)
Median Age: 32.8 years (2021 estimate, World Rank: 106th)

Cultural Properties

Languages: Arabic (59%), Gulf Arabic (39%), Malayalam (12%), Pashto (5.8%), South Levantine Arabic (5.6%)
Ethnic Mix: South Asian (50%), other Arab and Iranian (23%), Emirati (19%), other (8%)
Religions: Islam (76%), Christianity (10%), Hinduism (7.6%), Bahá'í Faith (2.3%), Buddhism (2%), Sikhism (0.24%)
Literacy Rate: 98.13% (2021 estimate)

Capital and Major Cities

Capital City: Abu Dhabi
Largest Cities:
- Dubai: 2.715 million people
- Sharjah: 1.4 million people
- Abu Dhabi: 1.145 million people
- Al Ain, Abu Dhabi: 631005 people
- Ajman: 238000 people

Economic Properties

GDP: $507.5 billion/yr (2022 estimate, World Rank: 28th)
GDP at Parity: $828.3 billion/yr (2022 estimate, World Rank: 33rd)
Real GDP: $427.9 billion/yr (2022 estimate, World Rank: 31st)
GDP per Capita: $53758/yr/person (2022 estimate, World Rank: 23rd)
GDP Real Growth: +7.411%/yr (2022 estimate, World Rank: 34th)
Gini Index: 0.26 (2018 estimate, World Rank: 5th)
Consumer Price Inflation: +4.83%/yr (2022 estimate, World Rank: 138th)


Unemployment Rate: 2.75% (2022 estimate, World Rank: 179th highest)
Labor Force: 6.579 million people (68.44% of population, 2022 estimate, World Rank: 70th)

Business Information

Total Business Tax Rate: 15.9% of profit (2019 estimate, World Rank: 164th)
New Businesses Registered: 19050/yr (2020 estimate, World Rank: 54th)

Media and Telecommunications

Internet Usage: 9.441 million people (100% of population, 2021 estimate, World Rank: 63rd)
Mobile Cellular Subscriptions: 20.04 million (2022 estimate, World Rank: 62nd)


Total Road Length: 2500 miles (2004 estimate)


Public Education Spending: 3.88% of GDP (2020 estimate, World Rank: 123rd)
Students: 378793 people (17.04% of population, 1993 estimate, World Rank: 140th)
Teachers: 95156 people (2020 estimate, World Rank: 92nd)

Health Care

Physicians per Capita: 2.601/1000 people (2019 estimate)
Hospital Beds: 1.8/1000 people (2005 estimate)

UN Human Development Index

Health: 0.879 (World Rank: 46th)
Education: 0.687 (World Rank: 85th)
Living Standards: 0.981 (World Rank: 7th)
Total: 0.84 (World Rank: 42nd, 2015 estimate)
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