

Geographic Properties

Continent: Europe
Total Area: 233032 mi² (World Rank: 45th)
Land Area: 223681 mi² (World Rank: 46th)
Bordering Countries/Regions: Belarus, Hungary, Moldova, Poland, Romania, Russia, Slovakia


Population: 36.7 million people (2023 estimate, World Rank: 41st)
Population Density: 195 people/mi² (2021 estimate, World Rank: 144th)
Population Growth: -0.906 %/yr (2021 estimate, World Rank: 230th)
Life Expectancy: 72.2 years (2020 estimate, World Rank: 152nd)
Median Age: 40.8 years (2021 estimate, World Rank: 47th)

Cultural Properties

Languages: Ukrainian (56%), Russian (30%)
Ethnic Mix: Ukrainian (77.8%), Russian (17.3%)
Religions: Christianity (80%), Islam (1.7%), Judaism (0.47%)
Literacy Rate: 100% (2021 estimate)

Capital and Major Cities

Capital City: Kyiv
Largest Cities:
- Kyiv: 2.901 million people
- Kharkiv: 1.431 million people
- Odesa: 1.017 million people
- Dnipro: 1.003 million people
- Donetsk: 929063 people

Economic Properties

GDP: $200.1 billion/yr (2021 estimate, World Rank: 55th)
GDP at Parity: $588.4 billion/yr (2021 estimate, World Rank: 40th)
Real GDP: $101.5 billion/yr (2021 estimate, World Rank: 61st)
GDP per Capita: $4836/yr/person (2021 estimate, World Rank: 143rd)
GDP Real Growth: 3.4%/yr (2021 estimate, World Rank: 132nd)
Gini Index: 0.256 (2020 estimate, World Rank: 6th)
Consumer Price Inflation: 9.36%/yr (2021 estimate, World Rank: 25th)


Unemployment Rate: 8.88% (2021 estimate, World Rank: 69th highest)
Long-term Unemployment Rate: 1.5% (2013 estimate, World Rank: 72nd highest)
Labor Force: 20.46 million people (2021 estimate, World Rank: 33rd)

Business Information

Total Business Tax Rate: 45.2% of profit (2019 estimate, World Rank: 59th)
New Businesses Registered: 51349/yr (2017 estimate, World Rank: 30th)

Media and Telecommunications

Internet Usage: 33.12 million people (2020 estimate, World Rank: 29th)
Mobile Cellular Subscriptions: 55.93 million (2021 estimate, World Rank: 29th)


Vehicles in Use: 7 million vehicles
Total Road Length: 105210 miles (2005 estimate)


Public Education Spending: 5.382% of GDP (2020 estimate, World Rank: 64th)
Students: 6.874 million people (2012 estimate, World Rank: 43rd)
Teachers: 430322 people (2021 estimate, World Rank: 33rd)

Health Care

Physicians per Capita: 2.992/1000 people (2014 estimate)
Hospital Beds: 8.7/1000 people (2006 estimate)

UN Human Development Index

Health: 0.787 (World Rank: 110th)
Education: 0.803 (World Rank: 40th)
Living Standards: 0.649 (World Rank: 116th)
Total: 0.743 (World Rank: 84th, 2015 estimate)
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