Africa: Median Age, by country
CountryMedian age,
in years
DR CongoDR Congo16.8
Burkina FasoBurkina Faso18.5
South SudanSouth Sudan18.7
Sierra LeoneSierra Leone19.2
Central African RepublicCentral African Republic20.2
São Tomé and PríncipeSão Tomé and Príncipe20.4
  • Region: Africa
  • Time period: 2023
  • Published: 2024

Data Analysis and Insights

Updated: Mar 29, 2024 | Published by: Statistico | About Us | Data sources

Niger has the youngest population

Niger stands out with the youngest median age of 15.1 years, signaling a predominantly youthful population structure. This could imply significant implications for the country's social and economic planning, focusing on education, employment, and healthcare services tailored to a predominantly young demographic.

African countries with median ages below 17

In Africa, five countries exhibit median ages below 17 years: Niger (15.1), Uganda (16.1), Angola (16.2), Mali (16.3), and Chad (16.5). These statistics highlight a region characterized by a youthful population, potentially driving future population growth and dynamic changes in labor markets.

Top countries with slightly higher median ages

Countries such as Togo, Rwanda, and the Republic of the Congo share a median age of 20.5 years, positioning them at the higher end of the spectrum within this dataset. These nations may experience different demographic challenges and opportunities compared to those with younger populations, including potentially higher levels of workforce participation and different healthcare needs.

No country exceeds a median age of 21

Across the dataset, no African country exceeds a median age of 21 years, underscoring the youthful nature of the continent's demographic profile. This presents unique opportunities for economic development and challenges in ensuring adequate education and job creation.

Countries nearing a median age of 20

Several countries are on the cusp of reaching a median age of 20 years, including Malawi (20.0), Ethiopia, and the Central African Republic (both 20.2). These nations are at a demographic turning point that could influence their developmental strategies, focusing more on sustainable growth and leveraging their youthful populations.

Distinct trends in West and East Africa

West African countries like Niger, Mali, and Chad feature among the countries with the youngest median ages, while East African nations such as Uganda and Tanzania also showcase relatively low median ages. This variation highlights regional demographic trends that could affect regional policies on education, health, and economic development.

Implications for education and job market planning

The prevalence of countries with median ages below 20 years suggests a critical need for robust educational systems and job market planning to accommodate the influx of young individuals into the workforce. Countries will need to prioritize sustainable economic policies that cater to a rapidly growing young population.

Healthcare needs skewed towards younger populations

The demographic data indicates a significant emphasis on healthcare services tailored for younger populations, including reproductive health, maternal health, and child healthcare. Ensuring these services are accessible and adequately provided will be crucial for the well-being and development of these nations.

Frequently Asked Questions

How many African countries have a median age below 17?

Five African countries, including Niger, Uganda, Angola, Mali, and Chad, have a median age below 17 years.

Which countries have a median age of 20.5 years?

Togo, Rwanda, and the Republic of the Congo each have a median age of 20.5 years.

Which countries are nearing a median age of 20?

Malawi with a median age of 20.0, and both Ethiopia and the Central African Republic, both with a median of 20.2, are nearing a median age of 20 years.

Terms and Definitions

The median age is the age that divides a population into two numerically equal groups - that is, half the people are younger than this age and half are older. It is a single index that summarizes the age distribution of a population.

This refers to the statistical data of a population, especially those showing average age, income, education, etc. Demographics are often used to understand the characteristics of a specific population.

Population age structure is the distribution of a particular population broken down by age or age group. It provides insight into the number of dependents, working-age population and elderly in the society.

Youth bulge is a stage in demographic transition where a larger share of the population is comprised of children and young adults. This usually happens due to high fertility rates coupled with declining mortality rates.

The fertility rate of a population is the average number of children that would be born to a woman over her lifetime in a given population. High fertility rates often lead to a younger age structure, while low fertility rates result in an older age structure.

Life expectancy is an estimate of the average number of years a person is expected to live, given that current age-specific death rates remain constant throughout their lifetime.
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