NFL: Super Bowl Appearances, by team
NFL TeamNumber of Super Bowl appearances
New England Patriots11
Pittsburgh Steelers8
Dallas Cowboys8
Denver Broncos8
San Francisco 49ers8
Kansas City Chiefs6
Washington Commanders5
Green Bay Packers5
Miami Dolphins5
New York Giants5
Las Vegas Raiders5
Los Angeles Rams5
Buffalo Bills4
Minnesota Vikings4
Indianapolis Colts4
Philadelphia Eagles4
Seattle Seahawks3
Cincinnati Bengals3
Carolina Panthers2
Atlanta Falcons2
Baltimore Ravens2
Chicago Bears2
Tampa Bay Buccaneers2
New Orleans Saints1
Arizona Cardinals1
Tennessee Titans1
Los Angeles Chargers1
New York Jets1
  • Region: United States
  • Time period: as of 2024
  • Published: Feb 2024

Data Analysis and Insights

Updated: Mar 27, 2024 | Published by: Statistico | About Us | Data sources

New England Patriots lead with most Super Bowl appearances

The New England Patriots have the highest number of Super Bowl appearances, totaling 11. This places them at the forefront of NFL teams in terms of participation in the championship game.

Four teams are tied for second place in Super Bowl appearances

The Pittsburgh Steelers, Dallas Cowboys, Denver Broncos, and San Francisco 49ers each have made 8 Super Bowl appearances, sharing the second-highest number of appearances among all NFL teams.

Top 5 teams account for over a third of all Super Bowl appearances

Combined, the New England Patriots, Pittsburgh Steelers, Dallas Cowboys, Denver Broncos, and San Francisco 49ers account for 43 Super Bowl appearances, representing over 35% of the total appearances made by all teams listed.

Kansas City Chiefs rank sixth with Super Bowl appearances

The Kansas City Chiefs have participated in the Super Bowl 6 times, ranking them sixth among all teams for the number of appearances.

Five teams have made 5 Super Bowl appearances each

The Washington Commanders, Green Bay Packers, Miami Dolphins, New York Giants, and Las Vegas Raiders each have 5 Super Bowl appearances, demonstrating a significant level of competitive consistency.

Four teams have made a single Super Bowl appearance

The New York Jets, Los Angeles Chargers, Tennessee Titans, and A rizona Cardinals are unique in having just 1 Super Bowl appearance each, highlighting the challenge of reaching the NFL's pinnacle game.

Majority of teams have appeared in at least one Super Bowl

Out of the 32 NFL teams, 29 have made at least one Super Bowl appearance, illustrating the widespread competitive nature across the league.

Four teams with 4 Super Bowl appearances

The Buffalo Bills, Minnesota Vikings, and Indianapolis Colts, along with the Philadelphia Eagles, each have made 4 Super Bowl appearances, tying them for the seventh-highest number among all teams.

Teams with 2 or 3 Super Bowl appearances show competitive variability

Teams such as the Seattle Seahawks, Cincinnati Bengals, Carolina Panthers, Atlanta Falcons, Baltimore Ravens, Chicago Bears, and Tampa Bay Buccaneers, with 2 or 3 appearances, indicate a middle ground of success in reaching the Super Bowl.

Super Bowl appearances are a rarity for some teams

Despite the NFL's competitive balance, the New Orleans Saints, Arizona Cardinals, Tennessee Titans, and Los Angeles Chargers, each with only 1 Super Bowl appearance, reflect the difficulty some franchises face in reaching the championship game.

Frequently Asked Questions

Which team has the highest number of Super Bowl appearances?

The New England Patriots have made the most Super Bowl appearances with 11.

Which teams have the second-highest number of Super Bowl appearances?

The Pittsburgh Steelers, Dallas Cowboys, Denver Broncos, and San Francisco 49ers each have 8 Super Bowl appearances, making them second-highest.

What is the total number of Super Bowl appearances made by the top 5 teams?

The top 5 teams, namely the New England Patriots, Pittsburgh Steelers, Dallas Cowboys, Denver Broncos, and San Francisco 49ers have made 43 Super Bowl appearances in total.

How many NFL teams have made at least one Super Bowl appearance?

Out of 32 NFL teams, 29 have achieved at least one Super Bowl appearance.

Terms and Definitions

The National Football League (NFL) is a professional American football league consisting of 32 teams, divided equally between the National Football Conference (NFC) and the American Football Conference (AFC).

The Super Bowl is the annual championship game of the NFL. It usually occurs on the first Sunday in February and is the culmination of the football season that began the previous late summer. It is one of the most watched sports events worldwide.

These signify the groups or franchisees competing in the National Football League. Each team consists of both offensive and defensive players along with a dedicated coaching team.

The National Football Conference (NFC) is one of the two conferences of the NFL. It has 16 member teams, many of which have a significant history of Super Bowl appearances.

The American Football Conference (AFC) is the other primary conference in the NFL. Like the NFC, it consists of 16 different teams.

The NFL season refers to the annual period during which NFL games are played. The season typically starts in September and ends with the Super Bowl in February.

In an NFL context, a franchise represents a team and the management organization behind it. NFL franchises are owned by individual owners or groups, who manage everything from players to PR for the team.
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