Alibaba: Revenue, by year
in million yuan
  • Region: Worldwide
  • Time period: FY 2013 to FY 2023
  • Published: May 2023

Data Analysis and Insights

Updated: Apr 6, 2024 | Published by: Statistico | About Us | Data sources

Revenue Growth from 2013 to 2023

Alibaba's revenue saw a significant increase over the last decade, from 34,517 million yuan in 2013 to 868,687 million yuan in 2023. The company's annual revenue more than twentyfold during this period, highlighting its substantial growth and expansion in the e-commerce and tech industry.

Annual Growth Rate Variation

The annual growth rate varied year over year, with the highest increase observed between 2019 and 2020, where revenue jumped from 376,844 million yuan to 509,711 million yuan. This represents a significant growth rate of approximately 35%, indicating a period of rapid expansion for Alibaba.

Recent Revenue Growth Trends

In more recent years, revenue growth has shown signs of slowing down. Between 2022 and 2023, the revenue increased from 853,062 million yuan to 868,687 million yuan, marking a growth rate of just about 1.8%, the lowest annual growth rate in the provided data span.

Comparison of Early Growth to Recent Years

Comparing the initial years to the latter part of the decade, the growth rate from 2013 to 2014 was approximately 52%, with revenue rising from 34,517 million yuan to 52,504 million yuan. This contrasts sharply with the 1.8% growth rate seen from 2022 to 2023, indicating a significant deceleration in revenue growth as the company matures.

Total Revenue Increase Over the Decade

The total increase in Alibaba's revenue over the decade amounts to 834,170 million yuan, from 34,517 million yuan in 2013 to 868,687 million yuan in 2023. This monumental increase underscores the massive scale of Alibaba's growth and its evolving position within the global market.

Frequently Asked Questions

What was the growth in Alibaba's revenue in recent years?

Alibaba's revenue increased more than twentyfold from 34,517 million yuan in 2013 to 868,687 million yuan in 2023.

In which year was the highest annual growth rate observed?

The highest annual growth rate was observed between 2019 and 2020 with a 35% increase in revenue.

Terms and Definitions

Alibaba is a multinational conglomerate specializing in e-commerce, technology, and various other sectors. Founded by Jack Ma and his associates, Alibaba Group provides consumer-to-consumer, business-to-consumer, and business-to-business sales services via web portals, among other services.

Revenue refers to the total amount of income generated by the sale of goods or services related to a company's primary operations. It is depicted on the top line of an income statement and is an indicator of business performance before any costs or expenses are subtracted.

A fiscal year, in financial terms, is a 12-month period used for calculating annual financial reports in businesses and other organizations. In many jurisdictions, regulatory laws regarding accounting and taxation define the fiscal year which may or may not align with the calendar year.

E-commerce refers to commercial transactions conducted electronically on the internet. These transactions might include buying and selling of goods, provision of services, or transfer of funds online.

An income statement, also known as a profit and loss account, is a financial document that shows how the result of a company's revenue (income) and expenses (costs) leads to a net profit or loss for a specific period.

Consumer-to-Consumer (C2C) is a business model that facilitates commerce between private individuals. This could involve anything from online classified adverts and forums, to platforms that facilitate the selling of products and services.

Business-to-Consumer (B2C) is a business model where businesses sell products or services directly to individual consumers. This could include online retail, service providers, and more.

Business-to-Business (B2B) is a situation where one business makes a commercial transaction with another. This typically occurs when a business is sourcing materials for their production process for output.
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